Corded : Iridium in the Sky
FORTÉ - Corded Handset
Sky Connect FLEET - Tracking Your Mission Everywhere You Fly
Enhanced and refined since the development of the first airborne
Iridium tracking system in 2002, FLEET offers versatile satcom
solutions for tracking, voice, and text-messaging.
All FLEET systems begin with worldwide asset management through
automated flight tracking. Fully configurable to adapt to any
aircraft type and to serve any mission profile, FLEET-based tracking
adds safety and efficiency to fleets of every size.
Greatly improved levels of operational efficiency, customer service,
crew support, and aircraft monitoring are achievable when your
fleet is equipped with Sky Connect tracking. This allows a constant
awareness of the location and flight status of each aircraft in
your fleet without requiring any action by the pilot or dispatcher.
Depending upon how FLEET is installed and implemented, urgent
and emergency conditions can reported automatically.
"Seeing" Your Fleet
Tracker-MAP is Sky Connect's premier web-based mapping system
that offers an extensive set of display features, mapping overlays,
and administration tools. FLEET managers can control all aspects
of Tracker-MAP, including the assignment of user IDs, asset visibility,
custom base locators, and much more.
Key Features:
When combined with Sky Connect TRACKER, the world's first seamless
polar-to-polar flight tracking system, the MMU-II provides the
best full-feature aircraft management tool for all types of missions.
For complete access to the capabilities of the MMU-II, coupled
with the position reporting of TRACKER, we recommend the use of
Tracker-MAP, available on a subscription basis only to Sky Connect
TRACKER operators. Tracker-MAP integrates the 2-way text messaging
function; the map user can interact with each of the aircraft
through an intuitive interface.
Worldwide Tracking
Greatly improved levels of operational efficiency, customer service,
crew support, and aircraft monitoring are achievable when your
fleet is equipped with Sky Connect TRACKER. Each TRACKER-equipped
aircraft transmits real-time position reports via satellite to
any authorized PC. This allows a constant awareness of the location
and flight status of each aircraft in your fleet WITHOUT requiring
any action by the pilot or dispatcher. Depending upon how TRACKER
is installed and implemented, urgent and emergency conditions
can be automatically sent to the TRACKER-MAP display.
Standard TRACKER reports include:
A/C Registration Number
Ground speed
Ground track
Optional data can include:
Flight Plan Changes
A/C Systems Monitoring
Fuel Status
Limit Alarms
Two-way Messaging
Emergency Alerts
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