As the industry leader in global flight following
systems, Sky Connect has built a special package to meet the new
Automatic Flight Following (AFF) requirement for aircraft offered
to the US Government for seasonal contracts. We understand the
requirements completely and have an affordable turn-key solution
for your fleet:
Flight-proven hardware
Simple installation service and usage
STC'd and DO-160 certified
Based on the Sky Connect TRACKERs currently operating
on Forest Service aircraft, the Sky Connect TRACKER-AFF package
meets the recently published contract bid requirements at the
lowest price possible:
Sky Connect Iridium Transceiver with Internal GPS
Quick-release, aircraft mounting tray
TSO'd 3.5" Iridium antenna
TSO'd 3.5" GPS antenna
Power connector components
Total installed weight: Typically under 5 pounds
Two- or Five-minute Position Reporting Intervals
After a simple installation (antennas plus power and ground),
your aircraft is ready for contract operations.