tecnico GSM-GPRS:
download the software follow the procedures below:
1. Click here to download Sierra Wireless MP GPRS 750 notebook
software from the link provided above.
2. From the File Download window that appears, select the
option to, Save this Program to Disk and click OK.
3. In the Save As dialog box, in the Save in field, select
Desktop. Leave the File name as MP750_ENU_NB.exe and click
4. From the Download complete window, click Close.
5. On the desktop, double click the file MP750_ENU_NB.exe.
6. Follow the on screen prompt to complete the installation.
7. If asked if you want to update the firmware on the MP
GPRS 750 select "Update now". If this is not done,
the MP GPRS 750 will not work with this version of Watcher
questi links per accedere alle pagine in cui troverai spiegazioni
tecniche, manuali, ed altro ancora.