Wireless MP750 modem GPRS con GPS: AVL info
Compass Works
Mobile Positioning and Asset -Tracking Software
Compass Works e' il software client per CompFDE per tutte le
esigenze di strutture quali lavori pubblici, aziende di trasporto
pubbliche e private, flotte aziendali....
Compass Works visualizza la posizione e le attività
degli autoveicoli, la loro posizione, e tutto cio' che viene
rilevato dai sensori posizionati nell'autoveicolo stesso su
di una mappa digitale.
In aggiunta, Compass Works crea rapporti gestionali utili
per conoscere le attivita' della flotta, traccia la rotta di
ogni veicolo, e si connette con i vari apparati elettronici
installati a bordo, quali ad esempio apparati per la trasmissione
di messaggi di testo, computer, e sensori mobili.
Compass Works puo' essere utilizzato con ogni mappa preparata
in base allo standard ESRI®.
Tracks vehicles on a digital map
Displays vehicle position, speed, heading and status
Locates addresses for service calls and incidents
Places map pins at user-defined locations (call incidents,
job sites,
service requests, etc.)
Changes map pin title and symbol
Provides map zoom and pan capabilities
Supports satellite and aerial imagery in standard and
compressed formats
Provides visible or audible alerts, based on sensor inputs
Replays vehicle activity from user-defined date and time
Features reporting module
Uses ESRI shapefiles for map display
Connects to multiple CompassFDE servers simultaneously
CompFDE can feed real-time data to third-party workflow
Supports two-way text messaging and statusing
Offers optional capabilities, including:
- Custom reports
- Incident location and computer-aided dispatch display interface
- Vehicle sensor interfaces
- Mobile version of application available
Displays precise real-time vehicle location and status
Increases command and control
Monitors employee and contractor performance
Increases fleet efficiency and reduces costs
Allows for more efficient dispatch of vehicles and crews
to jobs or
incidents based on true location and status
Integrates with text-based enterprise software solutions,
such as
computer-aided dispatch and work-flow management solutions
Increases driver safety
Reduces response times
Utilizes current investment in GIS data
Features map display refresher that is faster than web-based
Archives fleet performance records
Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP2)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
Pentium III, 450+ MHz
128+ MB of RAM
20+ GB Hard Disk Drive (depending on map data)
17-inch or greater VGA Monitor
Public Works
Commercial Fleets
Emergency Management
Utility Service Fleets
Government Agencies
Traffic Operation Centers
Mobile Asset Tracking and Location-Based Services