Thuraya Confugurazione
del modem Thuraya per utilizzo dell'accesso tramite # 1722 Configure
your personal computer to connect to the Internet using the Thuraya as a Modem
in Windows XP. This article will apply to any method of connecting via data to
the Thuraya satellite network: Thuraya 7101 Handset with Data Cable, FDU-2500,
TU-2500, Satel unit, and another supported method. To define your phone
as a modem: Go to Control Panel. Choose Phone and Modem Options. Click
the Modems tab. Click Add
Check the box
next to Dont detect my modem; I will select it from a list and
click Next. Under standard modem types choose Standard 19200 bps
Modem. You will be asked to choose a COM port. If you plug directly into a
serial port on the back of your PC, you will need to use COM 1 or 2. If you are
using a USB to Serial converter, the COM port will be a random number. For more
information on which COM port to use, please consult you PC documentation. Click
Next then Finish to complete the modem setup. To create
the dial-up connection: Go to Network Connections in Control Panel. Click
on Create a New Connection on the left-hand side. Choose Connect
Directly to the Internet. Choose to setup your connection manually. Choose
Connect using a dial-up modem. Choose the Standard 19200bps Modem that
you created earlier. Type in an ISP name (This can be anything). Type
in the phone number that you want to dial. For Thuraya Direct Internet, type 1722.
Type in the username and password for your connection. For Thuraya Direct
Internet, the username and password must be blank. Click Finish
to create your connection. To dial the connection to the Internet: Go
to Network Connections in Control Panel. Double-click on the connection that
you have just created. Make sure that there is no username or password entered,
and no pre-fix to the number 1722. When you are happy, click dial. The progress
window will appear on the screen. You should see "Data Call" on the
screen of the phone when the call is being made. After a few seconds, the window
will disappear and you will be connected to the Internet. Please note that
these instructions are designed for use with Microsoft Windows XP Professional.
The theory behind connecting a computer running Windows 98, ME, or 2000 Professional
is the same, although the procedures vary slightly.