trasmissione dati, E-mail, Internet Trasmissione
dati: termini di riferimento Short Burst Data (SBD) Definition:
The unit sends data in packets (maximum file size 1960 bytes for 9522A or 205
bytes for 9601A), that are received by the user as binary attachments to emails.
For transmission to the remote unit the file is sent as an email attachment
and waits at the Iridium gateway until the unit calls in (maximum file 1890 byte
for 9522A or 135 bytes for 9601A). For longer data strings, multiple messages
can be transmitted. Trident provides software for extraction of the data to spreadsheet. Dial-up
(circuit switched) - PUNTO-A-PUNTO Definition: This is using an Iridium
modem to call another Iridium modem or a land-line modem. For satellite to land-line,
the call is connected through the satellite network to the gateway and then on
to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). For satellite modem to satellite
modem, the connection is routed through the satellite network to the gateway and
then back through the network to the other unit. This service may be used
to dial into an Internet Service Provider for web and email access. RUDICS
- Router based Unrestricted Digital Interworking Connectivity System Definition:
This is an access/termination capability where the system allows telnets into,
and out of, the gateway. When an Iridium modem places a call to the RUDICS Server,
located at the Iridium Gateway, the RUDICS Server connects the call to a pre-defined
IP address allowing an end-to-end IP connection between the Host Application and
the Iridium modem. There are three advantages over the conventional PSTN circuit-switched
data connectivity or mobile-to-mobile data solutions: (1) elimination of analog
modem training time, (2) increased call connection quality, reliability, and
maximized throughput (3) protocol independence. Short Message Service
(SMS) Definition: The unit sends and receives text messages. Each SMS message
can be up to 160 text characters (7-bit coded) in length. The text characters
are based on a 7-bit alphabet, which is encoded and transmitted as 8-bit data,
hence the 140 byte maximum message size. Lease-line & Virtual Private
Network (VPN) Voice Definition: Telephone calls made to
and from the satellite unit via a land line phone or other satellite phone. For
satellite to satellite calls the connection is established via the gateway but
the gateway drops out of the link once the connection is established