tutte le soluzioni in cui non e' necessario un telefono satellitare,
ma solo un apparato da integrare in una soluzione proprietaria.
It's a metal case with the board in it with at one side the
antenna connector and on the other side the data and charger
-What type of antenna? Which connector?
-Charger connector: pls clarify which type.
one end of the LBT there is a TNC Female connector that allows
for the connection of any type of Iridium Antenna. The other
end has a DB25 PIN Connector that allows for the connection
of power and inpput from devices. The charger/power for the
devices comes in through one of the 25 pins on the LBT.
The file you sent to me talks about a consumption of 0.6w,
but I assume this is the antenna, What about the power comsumption
of the LBT in stand by and transmission/receiving modes? If
we need to use solar panel, we must know in advance the comsumption
in order to use proper panels.
power consumption for the LBT varies due to Transmit/Receive
status and whether it is a voice/data call. Dall calls will
keep the unit at full power during the duration of the data
call. I will have to do some digging for exact numbers.
Also, the LBT will used in close proximity to high voltage
power lines, 380KV, 3500Ampere, we need to know which kind
of interfernce this might cause.
of what the close proximitiy of the High Voltage will do to
the LBT and its' performance.
The LBT will be controlled and managed by a data logger, not
a computer, with a proprietary firmware. we must be aware
of the full tech specs of the LBT in order to decide if to
buy it or not.
can be passed through a series of pins on the DB25 Connector.
Typically, the end user talks to the Iridium equipment through
the COM PORT on the back of the computer using AT Commands
or through using Iridium's Software. It is difficult to say
if the proprietary firmware will be able to transmit data
through the LBT without any modifications.
5) Is there a PDF manual you can provide, in order to learn
more about it and its functioning?
there is not a PDF manual for the LBT. When one purchases
the LBT Developers Tool Kit from Motorola they receive the
documentation and specifications about the LBT. This information
provides everything necessary for integrating the LBT into
a current product or developing a new one.