pda QTEK 2020 gsm-gprs cifrato
The GSMK CryptoPhone Export procedures are in compliance with
German and EU export law, which both have dependencies with the
Wasenaar Arrangement. The cryptographic functions used by the
GSMK CryptoPhone (4096 bit Diffie-Hellman Key exchange, 256 bit
session key used with AES 256 and Twofish) are not only "strong
crypto" in a technical sense, but also in the sense of the
Wassenaar agreement. The GSMK CryptoPhone is not sold "of
the shelff" because of the security and safety precautions
need to ensure that the product received by the customer is untampered
and secure. The GSMK CryptoPhone is a controlled item as listed
in chapter 5A002 of the export control list "Ausfuhrliste"
of the German export control authority; BAFA "Bundesamt für
Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle" . Exports are currently
handled under the General License "Allgemeine Genehmigung
Nr. 16" for Telecommunication and Information security.
The export of GSMK CryptoPhone devices into other countries is
handled under the following rules:
0. All shipments
All shipments to all countries will be verified against the official
embargo lists for terrorist organizations, members of terrorist
organizations and terrorism supporters. No shipments will be made
to persons, organizations and companies on these lists. In doubt
we will consult the our export control authorities.
1. European Countries
For the export of GSMK CryptoPhone into other EU countries there
are no export restrictions. For the shipment of the product to
EU customers we only need a minimal information to be able to
deliver the product (shipment adress) and for tax-complaince book-keeping
(shipment and invoice address), and official documents that identify
the purchaser.
2. Countries handled by the "EU 001" general license
Exports of the GSMK CryptoPhone products to Australia, Japan,
Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Czech Republic,
Hungary, and the United States of America are also unrestricted.
Information requirements are the same as for EU countries.
3. Countries declared as currently "evil" by the German
The export of the GSMK CryptoPhone product to Afghanistan, Syria,
Iraq, Iran, Lybia and North Korea is not possible. In theory there
is a request procedure for getting a "special license"
for exports to these countries, but it would take a lot of time
and would likely be rejected anyway, so we do not plan to ship
4. Countries declared as currently "special" by the
german government
If your are located in Ethopia, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia
and Herzegowina, Burundi, China (except Hongkong), Eritrea, the
Democratic Repulic of Congo, Cuba, Libanon, Liberia, Mosambique,
Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Ruanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan,
Tanzania or Uganda we need to obtain a separate export license
for any shipment. Licenses are dependent on type of customer and
intended usage. Extra checks and restrictions apply to military,
intelligence, police, ministry of the interior and related organizations.
Therefore we have to ask you some more questions about the specific
name, history and character of your organization and the intended
use and have to cross-check this with the german authorities.
It would be helpful, not only for the shipment of GSMK CryptoPhone
products, if you are not involved in any human rights violations.
The license request procedure may take 6-8 weeks on average, depending
on circumstances.
5. All other Countries
The export of GSMK CryptoPhone products to all other countries
is subject to more relaxed regulations. Separate export licenses
only need to be obtained for customers that belong to military,
intelligence, police, ministry of the interior and related organizations.
To comply with this regulation, we have to ask you about the intended
use and the type of organization that you belong to. License procedure
for customers from military, intelligence, police, ministry of
the interior and related organizations may take 6-8 weeks on average,
depending on circumstances. For normal civilian customers no special
license is required.
6. Zones of armed conflict and other high-risk areas
In addition to the official export regulations, we will not ship
to some countries and areas that we regard as undesirable from
a business perspective. Reasons for exclusion from shipment are
usually civil war or comparable internal conflict, unstable geographic
borders due to war or warlike situations, records of severe human
rights abuse or direct neighborhood to areas of terrorism related
activity. We reserves the right to change its opinion on business
risk profiles for countries and areas without notice.
