-Comunicati stampa
BREAKING NEWS FROM SPEEKA Comunicato Stampa Telenor
ARINC and Telenor Complete Successful Ground Testing of In-Flight
GSM Mobile Phone System
IlARINC Contact: Telenor Contact:
Richard A. Hoad Bernt Fanghol
Senior Director, European Sales & Marketing Director of Program
corpcomm@arinc.com Telenor Satellite Services
+44 1293 76 3296 BerntFanghol@telenor.com
+47 90822266
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 16, 2004
ARINC and Telenor Complete Successful Ground Testing
of In-Flight GSM Mobile Phone System
-Companies to Offer Test Program to Airlines-
Annapolis, Maryland, USA, and Oslo, Norway, September 16, 2004-In
an industry breakthrough, ARINC Incorporated and Telenor today
announced they have successfully completed ground tests of a new
mobile phone technology for use by passengers on commercial airlines.
The companies are demonstrating their satellite-based solution
at the World Airline Entertainment Association's 2004 conference,
September 20-24 in Seattle, WA.
Significantly, the ARINC/Telenor Mobile Connectivity system makes
use of existing satellite capability, operating over Inmarsat
equipment already in use on thousands of the world's passenger
aircraft. The system works with GSM type mobile phones, a technology
used by approximately 75% of the more than 1.5 billion mobile
subscribers in the world. A small 'picocell' system is located
in the cabin, allowing passengers to use their phones in flight
just as they do on the ground-for both voice and text messages.
"We have made a breakthrough in communicating today's complex
mobile phone protocols over the Inmarsat SATCOM connection,"
stated Graham Lake, ARINC Vice President and Managing Director,
Europe, Middle East & Africa. "We accomplished this feat
with newly-developed proprietary software. Ground tests were completed
this month in Ireland with multiple simultaneous calls placed
successfully through the satellite."
"We are very satisfied with completing the ground tests,"
noted Berit Svendsen, chief technical officer for Telenor. "We
still believe that the major value creation is extending a successful
mobile network onboard aircraft. Telenor currently has more than
220 international roaming agreements, and our service will enable
these subscribers to use their own mobile phones-with their own
mobile subscriptions."
ARINC and Telenor are ready to offer the airlines a test program
that includes a comprehensive, one-stop implementation package
for the service and transparent billing to passengers' regular
mobile accounts. The cost of a call is expected to be similar
to existing international roaming rates on the ground.
With headquarters in Oslo, Norway, Telenor is an international
provider of high quality telecommunications, data, and media services,
with expanding operations in international mobile and satellite
communications. Telenor is one of Norway's largest companies with
2003 revenues of approximately U.S. $7.6 billion and a workforce
of 20,600 located in Norway and abroad. Telenor is listed on the
Oslo Stock Exchange (TEL) and the NASDAQ (TELN). For more information,
visit Telenor's web site at www.telenor.com.
ARINC Incorporated is the world leader in transportation communications
and systems engineering. The company develops and operates communications
and information processing systems and provides systems engineering
and integration solutions to five key industries: airports, aviation,
defense, government, and surface transportation. Founded to provide
reliable and efficient radio communications for the airlines,
ARINC is headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, and operates key
regional offices in London and Singapore, with over 3,000 employees
worldwide. ARINC is ISO 9001:2001 Certified. For more information,
visit the ARINC web site at www.arinc.com.
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