Crypto ISDN
level of security in Euro-ISDN
The modern information society calls for ever faster actions
and reactions. This means that the exchange of highly sensitive
information over the public communication network is unavoidable.
But the risk of information being intercepted or data stolen
increases as technology progresses; damage caused by eavesdropping
runs into billions every year.
the high-end encryption system of the latest generation, provides
secure transmission of classified information up to TOP SECRET.
It can be used for all ISDN basic services, even via satellite
links (Inmarsat M4), e.g. for Voice,
Data, Fax (group 4), Video conferences
security is achieved with a minimum of personnel and administration.
system - two versions
The system is available in two versions:
- Crypto-ISDN
6-2S for secure Euro-ISDN basic rate access (S0 bus/port)
Crypto-ISDN 6-2M for secure Euro-ISDN primary rate access
(S2M port)
a supplement to existing Euro-ISDN terminals or PBXs, the Crypto-isdn
is the ideal solution for secure voice and data communication
at every level from UNCLASSIFIED to TOP SECRET. It can be used
in conjunction with up to eight commercial ISDN terminals or
with a PBX. The exchange access is either direct via the S0
basic rate interface or via a PBX.
Crypto-isdn 6-2M permits simultaneous single-channel encryption
of up to 30 channels. A typical application of this version
is the 2 Mbit/s port encryption at the frontend of ISDN PBX
crypto technologies
The Crypto-isdn 6-2 is the first encryption unit approved by
the German Information Security Agency for the transmission
of information classified up to TOP SECRET which uses
a public key method for key distribution. In conjunction with
the public key method, the noise generator implemented in the
encryption unit permits mutual authentication and key agreement.
New session keys are generated in the encryption unit for each
connection. They do not leave the units and are deleted after
the session, thus ensuring maximum security.